I Timothy 5
1 Do not rebuke [an] elder, but exhort [him] as [a] father, [and] younger [ones] as brothers, 2 elder [women] as mothers, younger [women] as sisters, in all purity. 3 Be honoring widows [who are] widows indeed. 4 But if any widow has children or descendants, let1 them be learning first to be being pious at home and to be rendering recompense to their parents, for this is acceptable before God. 5 Now the [one being] widow indeed and solitary, hopes in God and continues in entreaties and in prayers night and day. 6 But she zoe-living2 indulgently is dead [while] zoe-living2. 7 And be commanding these [things] in order that they irreproachable. 8 But if any not provide for his own and especially his own house, he has denied his faith and is worse [than a] non-believer. 9 Let1 [a] widow be enrolled not less than sixty years old, wife of one man, 10 testified of good works, if she has brought up children, if she has been hospitable, if she has washed [the] feet of [the] holy [ones], if she has helped those afflicted, if she has followed in every good. work. 11 But be refusing younger widows, for when they feel-sensual-impulses-alienating-them from Christ, they want to be marrying, 12 having judgment because they rejected their first faith. 13 But besides, they learn [to be] lazy, going around the houses, and not only lazy but also gossipy and meddlesome, speaking what they ought not. 14 I intend therefore [that] younger [widows] be marrying, to be bearing children, to be managing the house, to be giving no occasion to the adversary because [she has cause for] reproach. 15 For some have already turned aside after Satan. 16 If any believer has widows, let1 him be helping them, and let1 the assembly3 not be being burdened, in order that it help [those who are] widows indeed. 17 Let1 the elders having managed well be being worthy of double honor, especially those laboring in word and teaching. 18 For the scripture says:You will not muzzle [the] threshing ox,
The worker [is] worthy of his reward.
19 Against [an] elder be not receiving accusation, except upon two or three witnesses. 20 Be rebuking those sinning before all, in order that the rest have fear. 21 I charge [you] before God and Christ Jesus and the chosen angels, that you guard these [things] without prejudice, doing nothing according to partiality. 22 Be laying hands swiftly on no one, neither be partner with another's sin—be keeping yourself pure. 23 No longer drink water, but use [a] little wine because [of your] belly and your frequent illness. 24 The sins of some men are evident, going before to judgment, and some follow; 25 Likewise also the good works [of some] are evident, and those having otherwise are not able to be hidden.
2from ZOE "ZOH-ay" (ζωη)—Life 'collectively', interdependent, interconnected. Although it means 'life' in the conventional sense (for example: Matt.9:18, Matt.27:63, Luke.2:36, Acts.25:24, Rom.7:2, 2Cor.1:8, 1Thes.4:17, 1Tim.5:10, Rev.19:20), Jesus uses ZOE exclusively of 'life eternal' (with the possible exceptions of Luke.15:13, Luke.16:25). The other N.T. writers use ZOE in both senses—temporal and eternal, generally clear from the context. The Father is the 'zoe-living God' (see Matt.16:16). The Septuagint (LXX) in Gen.2:7 has "...[God] breathed into his nostrils the breath of zoe-life, and the man became a zoe-living psyche-life" (and see 1Cor.15:45); and Gen.3:20 (LXX) "And Adam called his wife's name ZOE, because she was the mother of all zoe-living." Contrast PSYCHE (ψυχη): an individual manifestation of life/consciousness. See John.12:25 where both ZOE and PSYCHE occur. Greek also has the word BIOS (βιoς ) for 'life' in the sense of biological processes.
3EKKLESIA (εκκλησια) from "called out". Appears 114 times in the N.T., but only in two places in the Gospels ( Matt.16:18 (twice) and Matt.18:17 (twice)). It's worth noting that when Jesus uses the term EKKLESIA, Christian community as we know it didn't yet exist—there were only the disciples. EKKLESIA is apparently different from 'synagogue' (SYNAGOGE (συναγωγη) which occurs 56 times in the N.T.) EKKLESIA is used in secular Greek literature of a popular assembly 'called to assemble', and also of those 'called' to a cult. EKKLESIA is used frequently in the N.T. outside of the Gospels to refer to Christian communities, but in Acts.7:38 it is used of the people of Israel led through the desert by Moses, and in Acts.19:32 ff. of a secular assembly. Thus, all told, the common translation of EKKLESIA as 'church' doesn't really reflect 1st century usage—it seems to mean more like 'a group of people assembled for some specific purpose'.